SV Kids Club
January 16 – March 27, 2025
SV Kids is a place for kids to worship, celebrate, explore, and learn at their level. It’s a chance for kids to get excited about God. Our SV Kid's team is excited to welcome your family, check you in, and lead your child to the right area. It’s the best place for kids to be on Sunday morning!
Our mission is to show people love and share Him. We partner with parents to develop relationships, encourage your child to grow in their knowledge of Christ.
We want you to feel comfortable, excited, and prepared for your first visit. Please take a few minutes, using the form below, to tell us about your family. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Our Early Childhood classrooms are the safest place for our youngest kids on a Sunday morning! Infants through 2 years old experience God’s unique love for them through the care of our loving Serve Team during both Services. Pre-K kids participate in special Bible-themed arrival activities that change each month.
SV Kids takes place during each of our Worship Services for adults. During this time kids, 5 years old to 5th graders join together for Large Group on Sunday mornings! Featuring games, music, and an interactive large group, that will have elementary-age kids invested in learning Gods truths.
6:30 PM | Kids club is for kids 5 years old through 5th Grade on Thursday nights September - April from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Each night features age-appropriate sermons, relevant discussions with consistent relational leaders, and lots of crazy and fun games. EVERY kid will want to invite their friends!
Kids Club ScheduleSunday mornings in SV Kids are high energy and full of amazing worship, fun games, and most importantly, biblical teaching. All of these things are age appropriate and geared toward your child’s specific age/grade level.
You will be asked about any allergies your child may have during your first check in here at SV Kids.
Our 1 and 2 year olds usually have a snack of puffs or cheerios during service. Due to allergies we ask that you do not bring any outside snacks, but bottles and sip cups are highly encouraged.
And all kids are welcome to bring water (in a bottle or sippy cup, please).
Our older children will have an option of a snack on their way out of SV Kids at pick up time. Sometimes they may receive a special treat from their group leaders – candy, cookies, doughnuts, etc.
Please make sure we are aware of any allergies so we can keep your child safe while they are in SV Kids!
If your baby or toddler won’t stop crying, we will text you! Upon check in you will provide us with your cell phone number. If your child is inconsolable our SV Kids Volunteers will text your cell phone and ask you to come to the classroom.
Our volunteers will notify you via text message if your child needs a diaper change. In addition, you are welcome to use the mothers room connected to the nursery to change your child, or the restrooms have changing tables for you.
If your preschooler is potty trained, they will be brought to the bathroom as needed. If they require assistance or reminders to use the restroom, please let their leaders know so they can be aware of this. We suggest packing a change of clothes if your child is in the potty training phase, as accidents can happen, especially in a new environment.
Emergency plans, maps, and first aid kits can be found near the doorway entrance to each area throughout our building. Staff are trained and provided with communication tools (i.e. iPads, walkie talkies, locked doors, keys, first aid supplies, etc.) for appropriate implementation for emergency use. Please don’t hesitate to ask for further information on any emergency plans so we can keep your child safe while they are in SV Kids!
All of our staff and volunteers have completed a background check prior to serving with children.
We would love to have you! If you are interested in volunteering in SV Kids, please follow this link and we will be in touch!
SV Kids Playlister is the best way for kids to experience Church at home when not here at Church! With age-appropriate lessons, interactive games, and more, you can count on SV Kids lessons to be a safe and positive digital experience for your kids!
Check out what’s happening in SV KIDS!